VFP ACR Turquoise
Who we are

Partners and Participants

Participants in the Violence Prevention Forums come from government institutions, universities, policy research institutions, NGOs, international NGOs, companies, social movements, development partners, and philanthropic donors

If you or your organisation is committed to using the best knowledge and evidence to prevent violence, contact us, and join our growing community.

List of Institutions that have attended VPF gatherings between 2015 to 2023

NGOs (45) Government Departments (21) Research Institutions (26) International Organizations, Donors, Private Sector or Other (33)
Seven Passes Initiative Department of Justice Abdul Latif Poverty Action Lab International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
JellyBeanz Department of Planning and Monitoring (DPME) Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention Anglo American
James House Department of Basic Education Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation(CSVR) Religious Leaders
Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Training Civilian Secretariat of Police Services Sexual Violence Research Institute Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Johannesburg Child Welfare South African Law Reform Commission Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town KPMG
Seriti Institute Department of Women Youth People with Disabilities. (DWYPD) Durban University of Technology: Peacebuilding Programme Traditional Leaders
Ububele Education and Psychotherapy Trust South African Police Services (SAPS) Exeter University Jet (Pty Ltd)
Sonke Gender Justice George Municipality University of Cape Town Edcon
Clowns without borders Department of Health (National) University of KwaZulu Natal: School of Education Social Justice Initiative
Fathers in Africa Department of Health (Gauteng) Cornerstone Economic Research UNICEF
FIXED Department of Health (Western Cape) South African Medical Research Council United Nation Fund for Population Activities
Ilifa Labantwana DSD Western Cape Human Sciences Research Council Violence and Injury Observatories
Inside Out National Treasury University of the Western Cape TB HIV Care
The Parent Centre Western Cape Government: Department of the Premier Stellenbosch University Proof Communication
Rape Crisis Western Cape Government: Department of Community Safety, Policy and Research Unit Institute for Security Studies Charlize Theron Foundation
FAMSA Karoo Western Cape Police Ombudsman WISER, University of the Witwatersrand Ford Foundation
UCT Action Hub Department of Health, Thuthuzela Centres Department of Social Work at the University of Witwatersrand European Union
FeelSafe Western Cape Government: Provincial Treasury Nelson Mandela University World Childhood Foundation
CINDI (Children in Distress Network) Commissioner of Children, Western Cape Millenium Trust Open Society Foundation of South Africa
Phaphama Initiative Department of Social Development: Eastern Cape Centre for Social Development in Africa Australian High Commission Pretoria
Accelerate Hub City of Cape Town University of Pretoria Embassy of Ireland
Prevention Collaborative Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (Mistra) Tshikululu Trust
MOSAIC Centre for Analytics and Behavioural Change Kolisi Foundation
Mikhulu Trust UCT Centre of Criminology International Women’s Forum South Africa
The Power of Women and Children Rhodes University GBVF Response Fund
Liliebloem Southern Africa Development, Research and Training Institute (SADRAT) National Business
 Initiative (NBI)
Synergy Works Hanns Seidal Foundation
Ikamva Labantu SANTACO Women’s Desk
Nelson Mandela Foundation Centre for Memory Kenfacta Taxi Association
Save the Children South Africa REOS Partners
Equal Education Hoekwil Ratepayers and Residents Association (HRRA)
Net vir Pret: Barrrydale Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (EDP)
Common Good DG Murry Trust
Chrysallis Academy
Community Cohesion
Lifeline Garden Route
Lefika La Phodiso (The Art Therapy Centre)
National Association for Childcare Workers (NACCW)
Women’s Legal Centre
Lugongolo Foundation
Lima Rural Development
Western Cape Women’s Shelter Movement
Smoking and Alcohol Harms Alleviation Association (SAHARA)
Gun Free South Africa