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The VPF offers job postings, funding opportunities, training initiatives, and the latest research on violence prevention—explore all these resources and more in our NEWSLETTER.

VPF Newsletters

Find out more about job, funding and training opportunities. We also share details about relevant webinars and links to new research and guidelines.


The VPF network offers a number of funding, training and event opportunities.

The VPF shares updates from the work of all participants in the network.

SAMRC Hosts 20th Violence Prevention Forum
SAMRC Hosts 20th Violence Prevention Forum, Celebrates 9 Years of Impact

As South Africa observes the annual 16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children from 25 November – 10 December under the theme “Towards 30 years of the Beijing declaration and platform for action: unite to end violence against women”

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From Commitment to Action: Ensuring Sustainable Action to End Violence Against Children

Chandre Gould represented the Violence Prevention Forum as a panelist at the World Childhood Foundation, speaking about the power of healthy relationships between and within sectors to support the use of evidence and the scale up of prevention interventions.

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Spotlight: South Africa’s Violence Prevention Forum extends its reach

Convened by the ISS, the VPF method and its programmes now reach national and provincial governments, schools and international networks.

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16th National Violence Prevention Forum

The 16th National Violence Prevention Forum, in partnership with dlalanathi, was hosted in Durban from 18 – 19 May 2023. 

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Western Cape Violence Prevention Forum

The Western Cape Violence Prevention Forum held its 6th meeting on 4 May 2023 in Cape Town. The theme asked how leaders can best be supported in these complex times.

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Call for Scholarships: South African Research Chair in Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma

The South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma invites applications for scholarships funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to pursue full time Masters research at Stellenbosch University. In the first phase of the application process, the SARChI Chair and Stellenbosch University research team will be responsible for shortlisting candidates and the NRF will make the final decision in the second stage of the process. Shortlisted candidates will be assisted with submitting their applications on the NRF Online Submission System. Applications close on the Friday, 9 June. For more information click here.